The US Virgin Islands are an archipelago of 53 volcanic islands, part of the Lesser Antilles, which are home to 104.170 inhabitants. About the 15% di energy comes from renewable sources (17 MW via solar collectors), the rest is supplied by fossil fuel with a lower carbon content, propane.
In 2009 the parliament promulgated a law setting a dual objective to 2025: 30% peak demand met by sources renewable e 60% less in the use of fossil fuels. The investments come from public and private entities.
In 2012 the local authority signed long-term energy purchase contracts for the first 9 MW of photovoltaics, which amount to 15% of the peak demand, at an average cost of $ 0,15-0,17 / kWh . The network is also used as a reservoir for the distribution of diffuse energy, thus allowing those who produce excess energy to exchange it with those in deficit.
In 2014, a law passed for the direct remuneration of renewable energy, through a mechanism of Feed-In.