North Sea island belonging to the North Frisian archipelago, the surface extends for 37,44 km² for 1200 inhabitants.
The combination of wind, photovoltaic, biogas and large accumulators (lithium-ion), plus domestic batteries (redox flow technology) and smart meters, ensure on average 21 GWh / year of electricity, three times the inhabitants' needs.
The project "Smart Region Pellworm", Financed by an inter-ministerial fund (Economy, Education, Environment), with 10 million euros and implemented by a group of specialists from the world of industry and research, is part of the"Energy Storage Initiative“, A program that studies the application of smart meters capable of collecting data and communicating in real time with production plants and accumulators, both central and domestic. In this way the system always remains in equilibrium and ensures a constant flow of electricity, even in the presence of fluctuations in energy producibility.