The island of Ischia has banned plastic and banned the use of disposable glasses, plates, cutlery and containers.
This was decided in March 2019 by the assembly of the Ischia Intercommunal Services Consortium (CISI), composed of the mayors of the six island municipalities, which unanimously approved an ordinance that was adopted by all local authorities in which it is prohibited in the island's territory, including the beaches and the coastal strip, the use, possession, marketing and import of disposable products for food use in plastic (glasses, plates, cutlery, as well as disposable containers used in catering and hospitality businesses, including so-called “take away” services).
The sanction foreseen, in case of ascertained non-compliance, reaches up to 500 euros. On a transitional basis, the sale and use of the products covered by this ordinance was permitted for the 90 consecutive days following the adoption of the provision, and in order to allow the exhaustion of stocks and warehouse deposits.