Cape Verde is an archipelago of ten islands located in the North Atlantic Ocean, with a total surface area of 4033 km² and 538.535 inhabitants. It represents one of the most favorable points in the world for the exploitation of wind energy, being close to the belt of the north-east trade winds.
25,5 MW of wind energy are produced for 30 turbines and 39,3 kW of solar energy for 290 panels PV.
Not being an area rich in conventional natural resources, it has always been energetically dependent on the mainland and, in the past, blackouts were the norm due to irregular supplies. The unsustainability of the model led the island government to choose to move towards alternative energy sources with the ambitious goal of reaching the share of 100% renewable energy by 2020. With an investment of 78 million dollars, financed by a public-private partnership (PPP), have been realized four wind farms, Cabeolica Wind Project, completed in 2011. The model is now one case history, studied in the rest of West Africa to evaluate the potential of mini networks for rural electrification.