Il Ministry of Economic Development and the Municipalities of Minor Islands of Southern Italy, not interconnected or in the process of being interconnected with the national electricity grid, have signed 7 Protocols to promote energy efficiency interventions in buildings and public infrastructures.
The protocols were signed under the POC, the Complementary Operational Program for Energy and Territories Development. 15 projects have been selected and will be implemented in the next few years. The municipalities of the islands will benefit from the interventions Tremiti, Capri, Pantelleria, Ustica, Lampedusa and Salina (in this first tranche of funding), for projects involving schools, municipal houses and other buildings of interest to the community, as well as for the modernization of street lighting systems. The realization of these projects will be financed with beyond 12 million euro made available to the territory.
But the energy efficiency protocols don't stop there. The MiSE is already working on a second edition of the measure, the modalities of which will be announced shortly.