In view of the arrival of 2022, the year in which Procida is the Capital of Culture, EAV and the Campania Region are working to strengthen services on the island. “In the summer of 2021 we had up to 14 buses, of which 4 are brand new from regional supply. For 2022 these 14 buses will be joined by 4 new electric buses already ordered and a 4X4 bus to Terra Murata. An experiment was carried out on non-electric buses with the installation of devices with magnets to reduce the emission of polluting particles and reduce consumption ". This was reported in a note by the local transport company itself. “The services will also be increased, both by increasing the frequency and timetable of the current lines and by creating new dedicated lines, on“ tourist-type ”routes. The real revolution is represented by "Procida traffic free" : thanks to a specific regional funding we are working for a completely free service in the period May-September. "
Luca Cascone, President of the Transport Commission explains: "this is a unique experiment in Italy that will give the Municipality the possibility of suspending or limiting private traffic for most of the day, since there will be shuttles that will circulate non-stop throughout the isolates, abolishing the ticket and related checks. Everything will obviously be agreed with the mayor; in addition, the Campania Region is working to implement maritime races ".
Umberto De Gregorio, President of EAV, highlights that “with these initiatives Procida will present itself as the capital not only of culture but also of sustainable transport, offering an innovative and ecologically advanced service”.