Follower Islands Programme: a Clean energy for EU islands secretariat initiative
The “30×30 challenge” is online! 30 100% renewable islands by 2030. Deadline for applications on 6 September
The “30×30 challenge” is online! 30 100% renewable islands by 2030. Deadline for applications on 6 September
The “30×30 challenge” is online! 30 100% renewable islands by 2030. Deadline for applications on 6 September
The Aeolian Islands will become "Green Islands" thanks to the 53 million euros allocated with the Pnrr. The council led by the mayor Riccardo Gullo for energy efficiency has awarded the designers assignments for 160 thousand euros. "They will concern - explains the mayor Gullo - the definitive and executive design of energy efficiency interventions, sustainable mobility and adaptation to…
The initiative wanted by Minister Carfagna aims to establish a new internal area, which involves 35 municipalities and 240 citizens. The State-Regions Conference gave a favorable opinion on the constitution of the 73rd area of the National Strategy for Internal Areas, which includes the 35 municipalities of the smaller islands. Thus another important step is carried out to complete the path started ...
The Legambiente and CNR-IIA dossier presented today at the international conference in Capri. The environmental performance of 27 inhabited smaller islands and an analysis of the PNRR funds allocated for the “Green Islands” projects are at the center. The growth of separate collection is improving, while that of renewables is too slow. Sustainable mobility, purification and water sector stalled. Tomorrow…
The international magazine SEASCAPE is selecting contributions for issue 02, dedicated to research, planning and design practices aimed at the construction of new forms of sustainable tourism. Participation is open to teachers, researchers, scholars of all levels, technicians and professionals. Each abstract, to be submitted according to the instructions below, will be the subject of ...
The launch of the 9th edition of CELEBRATE ISLANDS has been announced which will take place from 11 to 18 May 2022. CELEBRATE ISLANDS is an annual event co-organized since 2014 by the Conservatoire du littoral and the NGOs PIM and SMILO, with the aim of propose and support management and conservation actions carried out by and for ...
The Minor Islands, thanks to careful work by ANCIM, become part of the “73rd Internal Ultra Peripheral Area” created ad hoc by the Internal Areas Committee which met yesterday. "We have reached this important milestone thanks to a precise work carried out by the ANCIM organization and by the 35 municipalities of the Minor Islands which, in time ...
The decree launching the "Green Islands Program" has been published in the Official Gazette. This is a measure that uses 200 million euros from the funds of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) financed by the European Union Next Generation EU. The program is aimed at promoting improvement and strengthening, in terms ...
In view of the arrival of 2022, the year in which Procida is the Capital of Culture, EAV and the Campania Region are working to strengthen services on the island. “In the summer of 2021 we had up to 14 buses, of which 4 are brand new from regional supply. For 2022 these 14 buses will be joined by 4 new electric buses already ordered and ...