Capraia, a friend of the environment

For 10 years, the Municipality of Capraia Isola has entered into an agreement with the Tuscan Archipelago National Park and Outdoor Schools on the Net for the implementation of educational campuses, also included in the school-work alternation, which combine the learning aspects of the themes conservation of biodiversity with practical and manual experiences related to protection actions and ...

An alternative and ecological mobility model in the pipeline for the island of Sant'Antioco

The Municipality of Sant'Antioco has been awarded a loan from the Sardinia Region of 600 thousand euros which will allow the implementation of some environmental protection actions foreseen in the SCI Management Plans - Stagno di Santa Caterina, Stagno di Porto Botte and Promontorio, Dune and Wetland of Porto Pino - aimed at guaranteeing its ...

Porto Santo, towards energy independence

Porto Santo, a Portuguese island in the Madeira archipelago, has 5 inhabitants and a thousand means of transport (with significant surges in the summer months) and the perfect size to become a laboratory to experiment with a "smart" future, in search of solutions for improve energy efficiency, circular economy, electric and shared mobility. The Smart Fossil Free Island project wants to make Porto ...